Almost any type of wood can be used to build furniture therefore, it is the most commonly used material for furniture making. Each type of wood has its own unique characteristics, which in turn can add different degrees of warmth, emphasis and beauty to its surrounding decor.
Because of this characteristic of wood, it is very hard to decide which type of wood is perfect for your need. To be able to decide what type of wood to use for your furniture, it is necessary to understand their characteristics and differences.
Upon walking into a furniture store, we usually get to see a lot of different furniture made out of different timbers, but that is not the right way to settle for a particular piece. A thorough understanding is required to match your need.

The guide below will be helpful for you to settle with a particular wood type for your line of furniture: 
  • Hardwood - Hardwoods come from broad-leaved trees which are deciduous trees that drop their leaves every year and produce seeds. These trees are very slow growing which enables them to produce dense wood. Items made from hardwoods are more likely to withstand years of wear and tear. Some hardwoods are not hard in literal sense like poplar and basswood. These woods are usually darker in colour.
  • Softwood - Softwoods come from conifer trees which do not produce seeds. These woods are much lighter in colour and cheaper compared to hardwoods. However, softwoods are not underestimated and extensively used just like their counterparts.  
Hard and Soft Woods:
  • Mahogany - Mahogany is an expensive hardwood and varies in colour form medium to deep red-brown, depending on its age.
  • Walnut - Known for its strength, walnut is rich chocolate brown in colour, however lighter shades are also available.
  • Oak - This type of wood is very heavy and known for natural open wood grain markings.
  • Ash - Ash is a tough hardwood which is known for its excellent bending abilities.
  • Maple - This type of wood is extremely durable and heavy as well as moisture resistant.
  • Pine - Pine is a affordable and lightweight softwood with a pale finish which is great for staining. Though this type of wood is less durable compared to hardwoods, still they are extensively used to make furniture.  
These are some details about the different types of woods used in furniture making. You can walk into any reputed furniture store in Sydney and choose your kind of furniture. 
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